Our organization is working to support communities left out from the charity provided by more bigger organizations. Our organization is striving to provide significant assistance to these multiple small communities with no exposure and no access to any serious help from their own country and government. Many families and children are left with no education, no access to basic care and no hope. We are targeting these villages, small areas and communities and we are working relentlessly to bring change and to alleviate poverty in these regions.
We have been able to achieve sustained improvements in children’s nutrition, education, family income and HIV care and treatment. We are all becoming more and more aware of the scale of human suffering caused by HIV/AIDS in Kenya, especially for the children who are orphaned and often lose siblings to AIDS.
Inevitably many of those affected are the parents of young children. When parents start to develop full-blown AIDS, they cannot work and need to be looked after. But the situation is so bad when there are no adults who are able to help. The children not only have the distress of seeing their parents become weaker and weaker but they no longer have anyone providing for them and often have to try to help care for their parents.
We work to address the very factors that contribute to the spread of HIV/AIDS infection. Due to the extreme poverty among the people we serve, priority is given to basic needs, such as food and school supplies. We will continue to help educate these children so that they can overcome illiteracy. We know that too many children live in silence with the harsh reality of poverty, hunger, and HIV/AIDS, and we work to help to restore hope and joy to these children’s lives. We will continue to invest all that we can in these children in order to help build a brighter future for them.