+254 721 528 729
We help women do agriculture, education, skills in leadership and decision making. We realize that the most poor and uneducated people in the community are women and so they need to be supported to do activities which will bring income and will be able to feed their families and take children to schools.
During the pandemic, many girls were married and others became young mothers especially during the lockdown which led to schools’ closure. Now they cannot get back to school. Some wants to be back to school.
There is need to train women to be able to support themselves. -We work in rural Kenya villages. We are looking for your support to help women, girls and widows who are the most vulnerable and un educated. They need to be empowered to promote food security and sustainability. If we are able, we plan to offer microfinance so that women may star income generating projects We also offer adult education and we plan support girls to further studies.